My Story

I was raised similar to many others: go to school, get good grades, get into college, get a good job, and climb the corporate ladder if you want to make good money and have a happy life. I grew up poor, so all I knew was that I wanted to do everything in my power not to be poor, and to be able to take care of those around me, like my mom, my brother, and some day my own family.

Well, mission accomplished! I graduated with 3 degrees, got in with a good company, and started working my way to the top no matter what it took. I even went back to school while working in the corporate world to get my corporate MBA, still following the idea that higher degrees meant higher pay, which had to mean more happiness, right??!

Eventually I made it to 6 figures, started a family, bought a big house, had a good circle of friends. On paper, I had the perfect life, living the American dream. Inside, I was miserable, stressed out, burnt out, struggling with work-life balance, unhappy with myself, my job, wanting more out of life, and feeling like I was living in the rat race, just going through the motions, and didn’t know how to get out of it. What was worse, was that this stress and burnout caused me medical issues to the point that I wasn’t able to get pregnant again.

Being the serial researcher I am, I knew there had to be a better way, so I got to work (on top of my day job work). I spent countless hours and money on self-development, books, meditation trainings, even doctors, acupuncturists, and therapy. Most things didn’t produce any noticeable results in a short amount of time, maybe they would eventually help in a few years, but I couldn’t live like that for that long. Off to the next strategy I went. I tried everything!

Eventually, I realized I needed to shift my thinking.

There were some things I learned along the way that made the biggest impacts, and got me on the right track to owning my own life, and owning my own destiny, which led me to find my passion of helping others on that same journey. That passion, and my personal experience with both, are what made me decide to become a Life Coach and a Hypnotherapist.

I now inspire and help others live their best lives by improving their mental and physical health using these small levers to make the biggest impacts!